Sunday, September 22, 2013

Who makes me happy?

     Who makes me happy? Well, many people come to mind. But, to name a few I'd have to say my best friends, my family, and Demi Lovato. They all have something in common; they're always there. My family and friends always have my back, whatever the situation. I know I can always go to them if I need anything as well. My family is my number one priority, and my best friends are my second. But, now I know you're thinking..."How can a CELEBRITY always be there?" Well, to answer that, the celebrity I'm talking about is Demi Lovato. If you don't know who Demi Lovato is, then maybe you should look her up. I could go on and on about her, but I'm afraid I wouldn't know where to stop! She's just that amazing..But, anyways, she makes me happy because her extraordinary strength and bravery. She has such a good heart toward her Lovatics, me being one of them, and she's just always there. Those people simply make me who I am today. (:


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