Friday, September 20, 2013

Need help with being happy?


         Okay, so I'm back again! So, today I want to tell you guys how I tend to stay happy and I'm hoping this helps some of you!! When I'm trying my best to be happy, I start to look at the bright side of things. And if there's no bright side, what-so-ever....then try thinking of things that makes you happy. Maybe it'll be your soul mate, your favorite hobby, or simply that one month during that one year on that one day! Haha. I hope you see where I'm going from here.
"But, there's nothing that will make me happy?!" If you're saying to someone! It's best to talk to someone if you're having difficulties. Go to someone who you know will listen..I know, there are not many people like that. And for me, it took me a while to find that person. But, if you need to talk, just talk to someone; your parents, your best friends, your teacher...
         I also recommend this website called . This website is really good and it helped me. There is this entry they have that's called the "21 Day Happy Project". Please try this and let me know if this website has helped you! Stay happy! (:


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