Saturday, October 5, 2013

Future or Present?

Is it vital to postpone happiness for the future? Well...I think happiness will come to you eventually. You should always strive to make yourself happy, and look at the good in things. People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer, and all their life for happiness. That's why happiness should be waited on. It will come to you. It may not come now, but it will. I, myself, am STILL waiting for my time to come...All I know is to wait, and take what life gives me. Don't take more than you are given and just cherish what you have. I think that if you wait, and just be happy with what you have, you'll be granted happiness. Happiness is something everyone wants...some get it faster than others..and that's okay. Because eventually...and hapefully..everyone gets that grant. Continue to be happy..keep that smile on your face, and you'll be okay. (:


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